Christmas 1C – December 29

Sunday, December 29, 2024
Christmas 1C
Luke 2:41-52 | “Wisdom, Years, Favor”
Call to Worship
One: Praise God from the heights! The Holy One is transcendent, radiant, and glorious.
Many: Salvation, redemption, and liberation come from above and dwell among us.
One: Praise God from the earth! Emmanuel is humble, gracious, and near.
Many: Past, present, and future rests in the work of our hands in God’s hands.
One: Praise the name of God! I AM hears our cry, responds to our need, and still speaks to our spirits.
Many: Blessing, honor, and power belong to our God. Praise God!
Wise and Eternal God, You are sovereign over all the earth. Your works declare your greatness. Make your wisdom known to us as we gather in your holy name. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Holy God, you hold wisdom and knowledge beyond our ability to imagine or comprehend. Yet, you reveal yourself and the wonders of your creation to us. Regrettably, we allow the busyness of our lives, the distraction of our days, and the influences of the world to pull us from your revelation, presence, and hopes for us. Hold us accountable to your covenant so that as you are with us, we will be with you.
Make us a righteous branch in the vineyard. In the name of Jesus and hope of restoration, we pray. Amen.
Words of Grace
Beloved, trust that the grace of God has appeared, bringing new life to all. Receive the gifts of grace and mercy from the Compassion One who recognizes your repentance, comes to you in your weakness, offers strength for transformation, provides encouragement for repair, and grants forgiveness for sin.
Invitation to Generosity
The blessings we receive–in wisdom,years, and favor–are meant to be shared. When we use these gifts to sustain the ministry of the church and respond to the needs of the community, we demonstrate the good news in the world. Let us give with boldness and boundless trust in the provision of the Creator of all.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Lavish God, collect these offerings so that the blessings and favor you have given to us may be shared among our neighbors with trust, hope, and love. Amen.
As you go, remember that you are a righteous branch
Blessed to be a blessing
Empowered to spread the good news of Jesus Christ
May a new life of joy be born as we share the warmth of God’s love and peace in the world.

Wisdom, Years, Favor: Service Prayers for Christmas 1C was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.