Christmas 2C/Epiphany – January 5

Sunday, January 5, 2025
Christmas 2C
John 1:1-18 | “Enlightened”
Call to Worship (Inspired by Sirach 24)
One: Wisdom praises herself and tells of her glory in the midst of her people.
Many: She brings worlds into being and illuminates the night sky with stars in the heavens.
One: Wisdom declares herself and tells of her might in the midst of her people.
Many: She strengthens her children and grants peace to the peoples.
One: Wisdom praises herself and tells of her glory in the midst of her people.
Many: She bestows grace and redemption and makes mystery known. Praise Wisdom!
Radiant One, your majesty awes us, and your righteousness humbles us. Shine your light amongst us as we worship you in spirit and in truth. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Holy God, all things came into being through you. You enlighten our lives. Yet, we are drawn to shadows and veils. We distance ourselves from the conditions of oppression and despair of our neighbors, and we hide from your displeasure and disappointment at our limited allegiance to the kindom. Ignite a hunger and thirst for righteousness, justice, and truth in us. Spark compassion in our hearts.
Make us a righteous branch in the vineyard. In the name of Jesus and hope of restoration, we pray. Amen.
Words of Grace
Beloved, trust that the grace of God has appeared, bringing new life to all. Receive the gifts of grace and mercy from the Compassion One who recognizes your repentance, comes to you in your weakness, offers strength for transformation, provides encouragement for repair, and grants forgiveness for sin.
Invitation to Generosity
Every gift we have comes as part of God’s good creation. Let us honor and participate in Creator’s vision of true peace, flourishing, and abundance by prioritizing the needs of others over the excesses of self. Let us embrace gift-giving as our love language and commitment. May our generosity be a witness to the world of the Living God among us.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Giving God, may these gifts reveal your greatness, generosity, and glory. We give thanks for the privilege of being in communal and covenantal care with our neighbors as manifested by the sharing of resources. Amen.
As you go, remember that you are a righteous branch
Charged to keep watch for the vulnerable and the marginalized
Embodying compassion for those humbled and in despair
May a new life of love be born as we share the warmth of God’s love and peace in the world.

Enlightened: Service Prayers for Christmas 2C/Epiphany was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.