Christmas Collects and Benediction – December 24/25
Christmas Collects and Benediction
December 24/25
These collects are designed as a response to some of the lessons read at a Service of Lessons and Carols. The Benediction is designed to conclude a Candlelight Service.
PROVERBS 8: 1; 22-24; 27-31
Wisdom Plays and the World is Made
O God, our Creator
In your Wisdom we see the reflection
of your only begotten Child,
Jesus, the Christ.
As Wisdom played at your side to make the world,
teach us joyfully to engage the world
with your beloved Child,
together to make all things new.
ISAIAH 9: 2; 6-7
God’s Faithfulness Redeems Us
O God our Redeemer,
when we have strayed from your paths
You light our way home,
and send us your Holy One to guide the way.
Let us follow in the way of your Light,
walking faithfully with You
in the paths of justice and peace
which lead to abundant life.
MATTHEW 1: 18-23
Joseph Dreams of God-With-Us
O God of depth and mystery,
You call us beyond convention
to a way of risky faithfulness.
Fill our dreams with your truth
and our minds with your discernment
so that we, like Joseph,
may awaken with confidence and joy
to expand our lives and make room for You.
LUKE 2: 1; 3-7
Jesus is Born
O Fragile Savior
You come, unprotected, into our dangerous world
and offer yourself as our Peace.
Let our Joy be to seek your Peace
let our Hope be to foster your Peace
let our Purpose be to announce your Peace
with all the fervor of the Angels
and all the courage of the Poor:
Glory to God in the Highest,
and on earth, God’s Peace!
At end of the service, when the individual candles are still lighted and the sanctuary lights are still down,
the Leader may invite the congregation with these words:
Welcome, Holy Child!
Your presence transforms our lives.
Sisters and Brothers, before we go forth from this peaceful place,
let us take a good look around us at one another:
see what beauty is revealed among us in the light of Christ!
(Give people enough time to see their neighbors’ faces illuminated by candlelight,
then start to bring the sanctuary lights up.)
Now, let us extinguish these small lights
and go forth bearing the Light of Christ
in our hearts into our world!
Christmas Collects and Benediction was written by the Rev. Susan A. Blain, Minister for Worship and Gospel Arts, UCC.
Copyright 2019 Local Church Ministries, Faith INFO Ministry Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115-1000. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved.