Christmas Eve/Day C – December 24/25

December 24 and 25, 2024
Christmas Eve/Day
Luke 2:1–20 | “Keeping Watch”
Call to Worship
One: The people have walked in the shadows. The light now shines.
Many: Rejoice and sing a new song of great joy!
One: Nations war against nations and among themselves. Yet, the light of peace, justice, and love illuminates the path of the righteous remnant.
Many: Rejoice and declare the glory of God in the land of the living.
One: Creation groans with the strain of use, misuse, and neglect. Yet, the light of resilience will not be dimmed on the earth.
Many: Rejoice and witness the seas roar, the land rest, and the wind breathe. Rejoice for the glory comes and God is with us!
Emmanuel, you brought worlds into being. Your word goes forward with creative and redemptive power. Keep watch over your people assembled today as we lift our voices and our beings in praise, celebration, remembrance, and worship of you. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Holy God, you enter into the human condition inviting us to follow your direction. The history of humanity reflects that we too often prefer our own way. We believe in the possibility of transformation and we ask you to point the way to new life in you. Cleanse our spirits and renew our minds that we might reflect your image more clearly and be drawn nearer to you.
Make us a righteous branch in the vineyard. In the name of Jesus and hope of restoration, we pray. Amen.
Words of Grace
Beloved, trust that the grace of God has appeared, bringing new life to all. Receive the gifts of grace and mercy from the Compassion One who recognizes your repentance, comes to you in your weakness, offers strength for transformation, provides encouragement for repair, and grants forgiveness for sin.
Invitation to Generosity
The generous spirit pays attention to unmet needs within and beyond our community. When we give from our resources of time, talent, and treasure, our generosity becomes enfleshed, shows up, and makes love of God and neighbor real. Rooted in the wells of abundance and God’s blessed provision, let us be stewards participating in the well-being and flourishing of all.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Bountiful God, receive these gifts, extend their reach, and magnify their impact for your glory and for your creation. Amen.
As you go, remember that you are a righteous branch
Charged to keep watch for the vulnerable and the marginalized
Embodying compassion for those humbled and in despair
May a new life of hope be born as we share the warmth of God’s love and peace in the world.

Keeping Watch: Service Prayers for Christmas Eve/Day Year C was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.