Easter 2C – April 24

See God
April 24, 2022
Acts 5:27-32 Psalm 118:14-29 Revelation 1:4-8 John 20:19:31
Call to Worship
One: Coming on the clouds or walking on the roads,
Many: The Christ is in our midst.
One: Inside of sanctuaries or outside of church buildings
Many: The Christ is in our midst
One: In heaven’s realm or the cyber universe
Many: The Christ is in our midst.
God of the visible and invisible,
We gaze upon roads ahead
Knowing that you are ahead of us.
We seek your presence when the fog is heavy
And our hearts are hurting.
In the moments of haze,
Clear the path before us.
In the moments of clarity,
Show your face to us.
Allow us to hear your voice in the depths of night
As we search for your presence and call. Amen.
Prayer of Reflection and Growth
Spirit of Serenity-
You tell us “peace be with you,” but we set that peace aside to live with drama and chaos. We are drawn to highly emotional situations instead of the peace that only comes from you. How can we set aside turmoil to live within your realm of peace? When we cannot sense your holy tranquility surrounding us, open our souls to your warm and calming presence. May we embrace your peace and scatter serenity into our world. Amen.
Assurance of Grace
The God who walks with us scatters the seeds of grace behind us and before us, allowing us to understand the future with healing and hope. Amen!
Prompts for a Pastoral Prayer
Today marks the 107th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Genocide of people due to race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disabilities, and more have happened in every generation. How is it that we can recognize oppression around us and bring our prayers to life through our advocacy? How can we advocate for our neighbors in other parts of our world when oppression suppresses their humanity and well-being? How can we promote peace that affirms the humanity of our siblings across our communities and our world?
Reflection on Giving
We hold many gifts in our hearts and minds. As we sense your presence surrounding us, may we discern ways to use our talents and treasures for the health of your realm.
With gratitude we pray:
Holy God, Holy Light
Even when our surroundings are murky, you shine around us. Even in the long nights of discernment and wonder, you make your presence known, calling us to use all of our gifts to enhance this world. May the gifts we share today and each day hereafter create a Church of grace and a Community of love. Amen.
No matter the brightness of the day
Or the clear skies of night,
Our God is moving with us,
The Christ is calling to us “Peace be with you,”
And the Holy Spirit is surrounding us.
May Divine Serenity be our companion as we build the realm of God on earth.
See God: Service Prayers for the Second Sunday of Easter C was written by the Rev. Michelle L. Torigian, Senior Pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Belleville, Illinois.