Easter 4B – April 21

Sunday, April 21, 2024
Fourth Sunday of Easter
John 10:11-18 | Power to Lay It Down
Call to Worship
One: When we are scattered, Jesus our Good Shepherd gathers us in.
Many: When we are lost and lonely, we can depend on Christ’s love.
One: When we are oppressed, Jesus our Good Shepherd cares for us.
Many: When we are threatened because of who we are, we can depend on Christ’s protection.
One: We know Christ, because Christ’s tenderness has guided us for generations.
Many: Christ knows us by name. Christ will lay down his very life for our sake.
One: Let us worship our Good Shepherd, who cares for all of us with fierce love.
Many: Let us give thanks for Christ’s presence with us.
Holy God, you sent us Jesus as our comforter and guide. We give you thanks for the ways he cares for us. Help us be empowered to join him in protecting the oppressed and marginalized. We pray this in gratitude for your provision. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Shepherding Christ, even as you lay down your life for us, we confess our unwillingness to support the those in need. Too often, we may be more like the one who runs away in times of trouble. We aren’t always bold enough to protect the powerless; following your example is rarely easy or comfortable. Forgive us. Help us lay down our apathy and follow your example. Remind us that we belong to one another, and to you. Amen.
Words of Grace
Leader: Beloved of God, receive this comfort. It is impossible to respond to every need in this complicated world. A full life of faith gives us the grace to lay down our work, take the rest we need, then refocus our energy toward the cause of the oppressed. Rest in the shelter of your Good Shepherd, knowing you can take up the cause again with restored souls.
Many: We are forgiven. Thanks be to God!
Invitation to Generosity
Jesus offers us fullness of life, protecting us and advocating for our needs. What will you give to join him in the work of building beloved community in the world?
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Gracious God, thank you for your gift of Jesus Christ, who cares for us and protects us. With these gifts we return to you, help us care for others in our communities and around the world. Amen.
Today you have received the gift of Christ’s protective, unceasing love for you. Because you are beloved, may all that you do and all that you are be a reflection of that love. Fight for the powerless, help the week, and provide for the needy, because Jesus provides for you. Amen.
Power to Lay It Down: Service Prayers for the Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B was written by Rev. Jacob Nault, Pastor of Union-Congregational Church in Waupun, WI. He also works alongside the UCC’s Disabilities Ministries Board to provide music, liturgy, and other resources on issues of disability justice.