Easter 5C – May 15, 2022
Glorify God
Service Prayers for the Fourth Sunday of Lent
May 15, 2022
Acts 11:1-18 Psalm 148 Revelation 21:1-6 John 13:31-35
Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 148)
One: Celebrate our God, from the plains to the mountains!
Many: Celebrate our God, from the waters and hills.
One: Sing to our God who designed creation.
Many: Fill the air with song to the One who painted the world with love.
One: Let us praise our God, the author of grace.
Many: Let us worship our God, the composer of joy.
Spirit of Joy-
Basking in your presence, we dance in the knowledge that your presence dwells with us. We celebrate your name, your grace, your love in this space with our siblings. We proclaim our excitement that we, together, can glorify your name through sharing your love. May this minute be the start of a new chapter of our love for you and our love for our neighbors. Amen.
Prayer of Reflection and Growth
God of Awe and Harmony-
We were given the great commandment to love one another the way you, the Christ, the Spirit loves us. And yet, the way we love becomes conditional. What events have distorted our view of Divine Love? How can we return to a simple but radical way of loving? Transform our hearts as we work to understand one another, creating an earth which reflects God’s heaven. Amen.
Assurance of Grace
The Spirit of God heals our hearts, blessing us with grace as the Divine One works to transform our world into a realm of peace and joy. Amen.
Call to Offering
We have the tools we need to love one another. Through our talents, treasures, and time, we can create God’s Realm here on earth. Our contributions – no matter the size – will craft a world which reflects God’s love.
Prayer of Dedication
Loving God, Holy Vessel of Kindness-
We glorify you by sharing our gifts of love with this community. We celebrate your presence by caring for your creation. May these offerings today nourish a world craving more love, peace, justice, and hope. Amen.
As the week begins again,
May we dance as we celebrate God’s presence.
May we sing as we proclaim Christ’s love.
May we create as we embrace the Spirit’s vision.
May we love boldly, care radically, and share courageously to glorify the Spirit of God in our midst. Amen!

Glorify God: Service Prayers for the Second Sunday of Easter C was written by the Rev. Michelle L. Torigian, Senior Pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Belleville, Illinois.