Easter 6B – May 5

Sunday, May 5, 2024
Sixth Sunday of Easter
John 15: 9-17 | Chosen and Appointed
Call to Worship
One: Christ gives us a new commandment:
Many: “Love one another as I have loved you.”
One: When we love one another as Christ has loved us, we will live lives full of joy.
Many: We will live with God’s love deep in our hearts.
One: Let us worship the one who shows us how to love.
Many: Let us worship with joy! Alleluia!
Loving God, we remember your Child’s commandment to love one another as he has loved us. May this time of prayer and reflection remind us of the love we have in Jesus. As we leave this sacred space, may we be filled with joy as we share his love with others. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Jesus, our sibling and friend, we confess that we do not always love one another. Our divisions and disagreements so often prevent us from knowing the joy of meaningful relationships. Even as we seek to follow your example, we forget that we are chosen and appointed by you to bring hope to a weary world. Help us renew our focus and live by your will…that we may follow you with joy in our hearts. Amen.
Words of Grace
Leader: Jesus no longer calls us servants, but friends. Each relationship is a new opportunity to abide in Christ’s love, and a reminder that we can start again.
People: We are forgiven. Thanks be to God!
Invitation to Generosity
Jesus has appointed us to bear fruit that will last. Fruit that will bring love and justice. Joy and hope. Bring what you can; together, the gifts we offer can transform lives.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Loving God, we remember that one of Christ’s most important commandments is loving one another. With these gifts, help us show this love in our words and actions, caring for the vulnerable and offering hope in times of despair. Amen.
Friends of God, as you leave this place, remember that God has chosen you to share the love you’ve found with a world of need. Go bear fruit that will last. Let your joyful hearts be signs of hope in these anxious times. Amen.
Chosen and Appointed: Service Prayers for the Sixth Sunday of Easter Year B was written by Rev. Jacob Nault, Pastor of Union-Congregational Church in Waupun, WI. He also works alongside the UCC’s Disabilities Ministries Board to provide music, liturgy, and other resources on issues of disability justice.