Easter 6C – May 22, 2022

“Love of God”
May 22, 2022
John 14:23-29
Many: Let the Creator be home among us
One: In our hearts, may God be welcome
Many: May God’s love shape our every thought
One: May our actions lead to God’s justice
Many: May our words be words of life
One: May God’s Spirit lead us
Many: May God’s peace dwell within us
All: Amen.
God’s love is our nourishment
God’s truth, our liberation
God’s words, our wisdom
God’s peace, our home
Welcome to the love of God
We have not yet learned to love as you love
We have spoken praise in our mouths
When our hearts were far from you
The gifts you gave for our peace
We have weaponized
Yet, even in our failings
Your love has never failed us
Even when we turned you away
You still choose to make your home among us
Our hearts are troubled
We are enmeshed in fear
Creation needs you
Our families need you
Our streets need you
Our cities need you
The soil needs you
Our souls need you
Heal us
Forgive us
Make us whole again
One: Beloved of God, hear the good news.
God’s faithfulness is sure
God’s love will not fail us
In accordance with God’s lovingkindness
You are forgiven
You are welcome
You are home
Many: Glory to love of God.
All: Amen.
One: Our God does not give as the world gives
In the chaos, God is our peace
In our fear, God is our confidence
In our weakness, God is our strength
Let us offer our gifts to God
Many: Thanks be to God
All: Amen
May these gifts be used to build the Beloved Community through our hands of service, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in the name of Jesus, our Messiah. Amen.
May the love of God go with us. May God’s love saturate our memories. May God’s love overwhelm us. God is love. As we carry God’s love within us, may we carry God’s love to the world around us. Go forth in the love of God. Amen.
Love of God: Service Prayers for Easter 6C was written by Michael Anthony Howard, who serves as Minister of Faith in Action for the Living Water Association, Ohio NorthEast, of the Heartland Conference, United Church of Christ.