Easter 7C – May 29, 2022

“Know God”
May 27, 2022
John 17:20-26
One: We have been invited to know God
Many: Let us enter the knowledge of God
One: We have been invited to bear God’s justice
Many: Let us enter the justice of God
One: We have been invited to enter God’s truth
Many: Let us enter the truth of God
One: We have been invited to enter God’s unity
Many: Let us enter the unity of God
Holy Healing One, Righteous Restorer—
We come as standard-bearers of your love, offering our disconnected lives in return for your unity. May we know you in this place, not as lone individuals but as faithful fragments seeking to be made whole again. Amen.
Creating God,
In selfishness and insecurity,
We have traded your healing for our hatred,
Your calling for our comfort,
Your truth for our traditions,
Your covenant for our conventions,
Your faithfulness for our fragmentation,
Your care and our convenience,
Your solidarity for our self-righteousness,
Your promise for our praise.
Forgive us, we pray.
Speak to us again of your love,
That we may know you,
And by knowing you,
We may once again be made whole.
One: Beloved of God, hear the good news.
God’s love never fails us.
Even in our division and despair,
God desires to be made known.
Many: We are forgiven. We are welcome. We are one.
All: Amen.
One: From the creation of the world, God has freely given.
We give, not as solitary givers, but in solidarity with all creation.
Many: Thanks be to God
All: Amen
May these gifts be used to build the Beloved Community through our unity, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in the name of Jesus, our Messiah. Amen.
May the joy of our Healer go with us. May we go out in the unity of God. That we may know God and make God known. Go forth in the love of God. Amen.
Know God: Service Prayers for Easter 7C was written by Michael Anthony Howard, who serves as Minister of Faith in Action for the Living Water Association, Ohio NorthEast, of the Heartland Conference, United Church of Christ.