Lent 1A — February 26
The First Sunday in Lent
February 26, 2023
“What Have You Done?”

Call to Worship
One: God of the Sahara and the Amazon, Maker of dry places and wetlands.
Many: We come before you with parched hearts for living in this world has made them so.
One: Holy One, your ability to renew us is unmatched.
Many: You renew us from within and without.
One: Ancient of Days, you held us in the beginning, and you are holding us now.
Many: We reach out to you and draw as close as we can.
Divine One, we are thankful for the restoration that can be found in you. Your presence is welcomed here. We delight in knowing that you want to be wherever we are. Because you are love, you show up for us. In this space, may we delight in your assurance that all you made is good. Amen
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Source of Grace, we confess that sometimes when we’re tempted, we don’t resist. Sometimes when we could do good, we don’t because it seems too hard. These are the times that we need your grace the most. Instead of giving up on us, you transform us as we open ourselves to you. For grace that abounds as needed, when needed, we give you thanks. Amen.
Words of Grace
All that God made is good. God made us and we are empowered to be good and to do good. Grace and mercy make goodness possible always and in all ways. Amen.
Invitation to Generosity
God gives good things to us, so let us give good things to God. Let us bring gifts that can be like water in dry places. May these resources be used to testify to the goodness of God. Amen.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Divine One, receive our gifts from the open hearts from which we give them. Thank you for blessing us with gifts to share, so that good works can abound. We offer our gifts gladly. May what we give be used to meet the needs of all. Amen.
As you depart this space and enter the wilderness of the world, know that God is with you. Whatever may come, let God be your safe place to go and your soft place to land. Amen.
What Have You Done?: Service Prayers for the First Sunday in Lent were written by Rev. Teña T. Nock, Associate Pastor of Digital Ministry, First United Church of Tampa, United Church of Christ.