Lent 1B — February 18

February 21, 2024
First Sunday in Lent
Say No Lenten Series: “Temptation”
Call to Worship
L: The voice of God proclaims of Jesus, “You are my beloved, and I love you.”
A: We, too, are God’s beloved children, loved and embraced.
L: With all the voices reminding us that we are not enough or don’t belong, it is tempting to forget our place in God’s Kindom.
A: With the waters of baptism and the voice of God’s promises, we can face the temptations of any wilderness or desert that would draw us away from the Source of our hope.
L: Embrace your belovedness.
A: We rejoice in God’s unending love for us!
God of waters and deserts, God of hope and horizons, we celebrate your presence among us and among all your people. You have proclaimed that Jesus was beloved and, tenderly, you have claimed us as your own. Open the skies. Break through the clouds. Fall softly upon our shoulders and say our names with joy. For this day and each day, no matter what the other voices may say, we are your beloved and we rejoice in your inbreaking Kindom. Amen and Amen!
Prayer of Transformation and New Life
O God of love, as Jesus was driven out to be tempted in the wilderness, we too, face wildernesses of our own. We are tempted to forget your promises, to rely upon our own strength, and to listen to the destructive voices of power and oppression. Free us from our own hubris. Help us to reclaim our spiritual center as rooted in your love. Open our being to hearing your voice proclaim us as your child who is welcomed, held, and whole. Amen.
Words of Grace
Friends, through wilderness and desert, through sacraments born of water, you are a child of God held tenderly in the embrace of our Creator. Remember your baptism. Remember a path has been made for you. Remember you are not alone. Remember, that in Christ Jesus you are forgiven and made whole. Amen.
Invitation to Generosity
Our generosity is born out of our identity in a God whose love is unending and offered to all. In gratitude and joy, we are invited to share a portion of our treasure to ensure that all may come to know of this love of God that never ends.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Abundant God, receive these gifts of love from your servants and use them for the breaking in of your Kindom of love and light. In the name of Jesus, whose way calls us forth in service, we pray. Amen.
Go forth to claim your belovedness, trusting that the God who provided Jesus with strength to overcome the temptations of the desert is the very God who will guide you and lead you this day and always. Amen.
Temptation: Service Prayers for the First Sunday in Lent Year B was written by The Rev. Dr. Chad Abbott, Conference Minister in the Indiana-Kentucky Conference.