Lent 2C – March 16

March 16, 2025
Second Sunday in Lent
Luke 13:31–35 | “Warning”
Call to Worship
One: When the world around me is disturbing, where do I turn?
Many: A psalmist says, “The Lord is my light and my salvation.”
One: When I am afraid, what can I count on?
Many: “The Lord is a fortress protecting my life.”
One: We gather in the light of God’s protection.
Many: We come to pray, praise and sing.
All: Let us worship God together!
Gracious God, prepare us to receive you. May our eyes behold you in those around us. May our ears receive your word. May our hearts be open to your teaching and leading. In this precious moment, may we know you in new ways.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Loving Protector, in times of chaos, we can startled by sudden declarations, distracted by claims of solutions to problems. Forgive us, God, for our wandering from you. Forgive us, when our own fears draw other people’s attention away from you. Help us to act, not from anxiety, but from faith in your certain presence. Help us to slow down and recognize you within and around us. Amen.
Words of Grace
No matter how far from God our resistance takes us, God wishes to draw us back, as deliberately as a hen gathers her brood under her wings. Receive God’s embrace and this good news: you are forgiven.
Invitation to Generosity
In gratitude for what we have received, and for the joy of giving and sharing, let us offer our gifts to God’s work through this church.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Dear God, use our offerings of our resources and of our lives. Bless them, multiply them for your purposes in the world.
Friends, nourished by your presence here, go boldly in the way of Jesus. Receive the blessings of God, and be sustained by the Holy Spirit, today and always.
Warning: Service Prayers for the Second Sunday in Lent was written by the Rev. Ruth Garwood, a transitional pastor in the Heartland Conference, a certified facilitator of Sacred Conversations to End Racism, and a certified InterPlay leader.