Lent 3C – March 23

March 23, 2025
Third Sunday in Lent
Luke 13:1–9 | “Cut Down”
Call to Worship
Leader: You who are thirsty:
People: Come to receive living water.
L: You who are hungry:
P: Taste the bread that satisfies.
L: You who long for connection:
P: Receive the fellowship of this community, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
L: You who search for love:
P: Experience the love of Jesus expressed in music, prayer, community, word and action.
L: May this time of worship fill and refresh you.
P: Let us worship God together!
Holy One, draw us into community and connection. Let us receive you and our companions in worship. Keep us open to the unexpected, so that we may perceive your work in the world, and your work in us. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Gracious God, sometimes we are disappointed by other people, too ready to dismiss or discard them. Help us to see in others what you see in them: their growth, the fruits that they offer. Forgive us when we too quickly judge others. Forgive us also, when we doubt that we can be worthy followers of you. May we be inspired to nurture your people and ourselves. Amen.
Words of Grace
God’s ways are not our ways. Where we would condemn ourselves or others, God forgives. In the name of Jesus Christ you are forgiven.
Invitation to Generosity
From the abundance that God has given us, let us return a portion to be used for God’s work through this church.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Dear God, take these offerings of treasure, and our lives, to use for your purposes in the world.
Seek God, who is near. Be ready to hear God’s word and live, May you trust in the mercy of God, and the blessings of God, today and always.
Cut Down: Service Prayers for the Third Sunday in Lent was written by the Rev. Ruth Garwood, a transitional pastor in the Heartland Conference, a certified facilitator of Sacred Conversations to End Racism, and a certified InterPlay leader.