Lent 5A — March 26

The Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 26, 2023
“Prophesy to the Bones”
Call to Worship
One: Breath of Life, you animate us.
Many: We come before you are seeking revival from within.
One: Holy One, when you speak, great things happen.
Many: Empower us to make great things happen.
One: Matchless One, you bring good things to life.
Many: We desire to bring good things to life too.
Life Giver, come and revive us again. Indwell us with your spirit and let our souls awake to joy. We come boldly that you might breathe on us. May what we experience with you today change us forever and for the better. Amen
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Mender of Hearts, we confess that sometimes in our brokenness, we cause brokenness in others. Sometimes in our woundedness, we wound others. In these despairing moments, we need healing and restoration. We give thanks that we are never beyond your reach or grace. Amen.
Words of Grace
God’s mercy makes wholeness possible and our wholeness is rooted in becoming who we are meant to be–living sanctuaries. Amen.
Invitation to Generosity
God is the source of our supply. Let us give from what we have been supplied. May this supply meet every demand. Amen.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Divine Sustainer, receive this offering that we gladly give. May it be used to revive and restore those in need. Amen.
As we go our separate ways, remember that God has placed God’s Spirit within in you. Go forth centered in God and let God be centered in you. Amen.
Prophesy to the Bones: Service Prayers for the Fifth Sunday of Lent were written by Rev. Teña T. Nock, Associate Pastor of Digital Ministry, First United Church of Tampa, United Church of Christ.