Lent 5B – March 17
March 17, 2024
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Say No Lenten Series: “Single Grains”
Call to Worship
L: New life rises!
A: That which rises, must first fall and die.
L: Single grains merely remain as they are unless they are released to the ground.
A: The grains of the earth that fall will multiply and nourish.
L: Come, die to the self and live a life of service to the Living God.
A: And God will raise us up anew. Amen.
God of grains and grace, we gather today seeking to follow in the way of Jesus. The path he chose for his disciples was one of service and it requires of us that we lay down our desires, our ambitions, and serve you with our whole heart. May our worship this day inspire our dying and rising with you as we seek to love and serve like Jesus. May it be so. Amen.
Prayer of Transformation and New Life
God of love, we confess that our ego can all too often get in the way of our ability to serve you and others with our lives. Our false self is driven by our lack of trust in you to provide for our every need. We rely on our own strength. But, our true self can let go and be formed anew by your love. Forgive us our false ways and transform us and raise us to new life. Amen.
Words of Grace
Friends, Jesus reminds us that those who serve him will have the assurance of his presence with them. Trust that you are you are forgiven, that new life rises, and that Jesus abides with you. In the name of Christ, Amen.
Invitation to Generosity
As yeast rises to create bread, so do the rising of our gifts multiply the love of God in the life of the world. Give of your treasure, whatever it may be, however large or small. And trust God will use it for the building of the kindom of God that is emerging among us.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
O God who causes our lives to rise, we lay down to you the abundance you have given us and allow it to fall so that you may multiply it to give life to your world. May it be so. Amen.
God’s people, go out and nurture this world so that new life will rise. Let go of that which binds you to distraction and isolation. And look towards your days with the hope of a single grain multiplying into the abundance of God’s joy and love. Amen.
Single Grains: Service Prayers for the Fifth Sunday in Lent Year B was written by The Rev. Dr. Chad Abbott, Conference Minister in the Indiana-Kentucky Conference.