Living Psalm 30 – Easter 4A
Living Psalms Book

Psalms in the form of words and art, reborn in the specific contexts of our world, privileging the voices of historically marginalized communities and those acting in solidarity with them.
Living Psalm 30
Fourth Sunday of Easter A
My heart was broken, my soul was in despair,
the sorrow of the world ravaged my soul.
O God, my praise overflows, my heart is filled with joy,
because you saved me.
You healed me when I cried to you for help,
you brought me out of my disheartenment,
you restored me to live,
you brought me out from the pit of oppression
you rescued me from the depths of sickness.
Sing thanksgiving to God,
express your gratitude in poetic verse,
God’s anger is fleeting, gone in moments,
God’s favor lasts a lifetime for all.
Tears may way over your soul during the night,
with day break joy breaks across the horizon.
My investments were at high yield
at that time I thought nothing could take me away from God.
I was afraid when God appeared to be gone from me
yet God was present through my sickness and ill health.
I cried to you O God
from the pain of my despair
I asked what is there to gain
from my despondence?
I will praise God for saving me
I will tell of God’s faithfulness
Hear me O God!
Help me O Great Spirit!
Instead of mourning I dance
Instead of sackcloth I wear joy
my soul sings exuberantly
I cannot keep silent.
There is much to be thankful for.
I will be thankful forever!
Living Psalm 30, for Easter 3 A, was written by The Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson, Associate General Minister for Global Engagement and Operations
Living Psalms Book is created by UCC Witness & Worship Artists’ Group, a Network of UCC connected artists, activists and ministers bridging the worship and liturgy of the local church with witness and action in the community. Editor, Maren Tirabassi.
Logo is detail from Living Psalm 80 by Sophia Beardemphl, Redwoods, CA. Recovering from significant bullying, Sophia, age nine, read Psalm 80 and thought of brokenness that needs mending. She drew this broken and mended bowl.
© Copyright 2020 Karen Georgia A. Thompson. Permission granted by the author to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved.