Maundy Thursday C – April 17

Thursday, April 17, 2025
Maundy Thursday
John 13:1–17, 31b–35 | “Loved”
Worship Note: The Ritual of Cleansing Love and Affirmation serves as an alternative or complement to Foot Washing and may be incorporated into a Tenebrae Service.
Preparation: Place a large bowl/basin of water in a central location within the worship space. Invite remote worshippers to gather a bowl of water, paper and pen in their space. If gathering around tables or in smaller grouping, have a bowl in the center of each group. You will also need pens/pencils and small pieces of paper; one set will be blank and the other will have the affirmations listed below (or of your own choosing) printed on them. Pens/pencils and blank sheets of paper may be distributed as worshippers enter the gathering.
Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 116)
One: What shall we return to the Holy One for their goodness and generosity?
One: What shall we return to the Precious One for their wonder and power?
One: What shall we return to the Loving One for their steadfast and enduring love?
Holy Love, who comes to us fearless and learns fear, who comes to us exalted and embraces humility, and who comes to us in spirit and clothes themselves in flesh and bone, we honor you and your many names. We offer you our hopes and fears, the experiences of our past and the path of our future, our worship and our wonderings. May we hear, see, taste, smell, touch, and know you more abundantly. May we share in you and in your love for your glory. Amen.
Ritual of Cleansing Love, Affirmation, and Communion
“This day shall be a day of remembrance for you. You shall celebrate it as a festival to the LORD; throughout your generations you shall observe it as a perpetual ordinance.” (Exodus 12:14)
On the night of desertion, betrayal, and agony, Jesus intentionally demonstrated their love for their companions. In that room of disciples and disappointments, Jesus served them all. They offered bread and wine as symbols and signs of sacrificial solidarity. And, they washed their feet. They humbled themselves before the ones he called, mentored, and amazed. Holy Love poured water into a basin, washed and wiped their feet. (Pour water into the basin)
As we gather, we recognize that our feet may not be as dusty as those early followers. We may not understand the impact of footwashing as an act of hospitality.
Communal response: How might we demonstrate our love?
Let us consider our dustiness—the residue of the world and our participation in it leaves upon us. What would we want to cleanse from our person as we join in community? How may we serve one another in solidarity and love?
We each have blank sheets of paper. Let us pause briefly to note the residue we carried into this moment. Perhaps it was a challenging conversation earlier in the day or a lingering concern for a loved one. It may be weariness, pain, anger, or disbelief at the state of the world. It may be a burden from our past that lives in our present. Whatever it is, write it down briefly and then ball it up or tear it. No one else needs to read it.
But, we will share it. As an act of service, community, and care, receive the dusty residue of another. As you receive it, tell the giver, “I share in Christ and in you.” Then place the residue of the paper in the water.
Solo online worshippers may type “I share in Christ and in you” in the comments and place their paper residue in their water.
After placing the paper residue in the water, choose an affirmation from the list below to give to the giver. Invite the giver to speak their affirmation in the worship space for a cacophony of “I am” affirmation statements.
● I am a crown of beauty. (Isaiah 62:3-4)
● I am His beloved. (Zephaniah 3:17)
● I am filled with joy because Christ is my strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)
● I am seen by God. (Genesis 16:13)
● I am treasured. (Deuteronomy 14:2)
● I am alive in Christ. (Ephesians 2:5)
● I am God’s Masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10)
● I am chosen. (John 15:16)
● I am secure in Christ. (2 Corinthians 1:22)
● I am made in God’s image. (Genesis 1: 27)
● I am free. (Romans 6:14-18)
● I am an ambassador for God. (2 Corinthians 5:20)
Moment of Silent Reflection and Breath
Prayer of Cleansing Love for Transformation and New Life
Holy God of Cleansing Love, bathe us in your merciful presence and transformative acts. May we know the power of your grace and be inextricably drawn into your redemptive power. Let us be made new this day, moving forward from the sins of the past for the glory of the future. Strengthen us for the rough roads of this journey, the sacrifices of the crosses we will carry, and the pain felt in relentless love and solidarity with our neighbors. Amen.
Words of Grace
The Sovereign One humbles themselves to wash us clean of burdens and barriers to life abundant, righteous, just, and flourishing. May we humble ourselves to receive the gift of forgiveness, grace, mercy, and service that Jesus offers each day, and we remember especially on this day. The power of the Spirit resides in us, and the love of God knows no end. You are redeemed, chosen, and loved. Be refreshed, renewed, and transformed in Christ Jesus.
Words of Institution
Sharing of Bread and Cup
Invitation to Generosity
Our gifts do not equal God’s; our gifts respond in grateful acknowledgement of the gifts of God. May we give generously with freedom, trust, and love.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Holy One, receive these gifts as our gratitude, our trust, and our love. Amen.
Go, with the love of God.
Love one another.
Love one another.
Love one another. Amen.
Trembling: Service Prayers for Maundy Thursday was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.