Maundy Thursday – March 28
March 28, 2024
Maundy Thursday
John 13:1–17, 31b–35
“The Betrayal”
One: The week has come to wrestle with the story.
Many: The week has come to reveal the profane.
One: The day has come to embody the sacred.
Many: The day has come to reflect on love.
One: The hour has come to remember the story.
Many: The hour has come to bring peace to our souls.
Holy God, Companion in the Room,
We enter the space where the story begins. As evening extinguishes daylight, we begin the task of remembering the story. Our minds race as we place ourselves around the table with Christ. Our souls become quieter as the bread is broken and the cup is poured. May we recall tonight’s story as one that has drawn us together over time.. May the readings and rituals bless our heavy hearts worn down by this world. Heal us with each word, each sense, each breath. Amen.
Holy Deliverer,
Tonight, we have reached the all-too-familiar story of the eve before the execution. While there are times when we relate very well to Jesus in this story, we forget that we have been Judas, Peter, and the disciples. We have allowed ourselves to become part of someone’s story of pain. Our words have pierced another’s hearts. We have betrayed our neighbor instead of filling this world and another’s soul with love. Instead of living with the heaviness of guilt, allow us to create peace around us and within us. Invite us to share our repentance and to reconcile whenever possible. May we live into the mandate to love one another as you love us. Amen.
Through the redeeming love of Christ, God has poured grace upon us. May the mercy of God transform us into bearers of love in a wounded world. Amen.
This is a blessing of the hands. In our world today, our hands are used to care for us and others, prepare food, extend a greeting, and work – whether laboring in the fields, manufacturing items, or administration. Our work provides for others and ourselves, extending the love of Christ in our world.
One recommendation is having the congregant place their hands over a basin and pour water over their hands.
Consider giving a cloth of sorts so that our congregants can take them home. They can use this cloth as a towel for others to dry their hands. In John 13:14, we are reminded that as we are washed, we are to extend this to others. The towel represents the extension of love to be passed from Christ to us and then to our neighbors.
Anoint the hands with oil as it fits within your context.
A Blessing in the Washing of Hands
God of Blessings,
Like water, your grace flows freely over us,
Releasing the shame of the past,
Refreshing us for the future.
Such restoration is a balm to our spirits.
May these hands be a conduit of your love into the world.
May they build systems and spaces of care.
May they deliver words of kindness across the virtual universe,
And may they provide the necessities to our neighbors in need.
Allow the bounty of your blessings which passes through our hands
To alleviate heartbreak and illuminate beauty
As we wander throughout your kin-dom.
How will we share our gifts with the world? Are they easy to contribute, or do they reach into us and challenge us to risk what we have? May our giving of talents, time, and treasures beckon us to step outside of our comfort to create God’s Realm of Love.
Divine Basin of Blessings,
Even when the workings of the world are harsh, you are present. Even when shame rattles our souls, you pour goodness and mercy upon us. May we live into the command of Christ: love one another as Christ loved us. Through our actions, our faith comes alive and our neighbors experience Divine love in new ways. Amen.
One: God loves you!
Many: And the Holy One loves you.
One: Open wide your souls.
Many: In our vulnerability, we reveal our most authentic selves to God.
One: May we embrace the mandate of Christ.
Many: In Christ’s words we celebrate our love for one another.
Communion Prayer
Divine Gatherer of Friends,
There is beauty in this evening. From tonight’s sunset to the embracing of friends, a space like this reminds us of an upstairs room with loved ones.
Yet sometimes this annual gathering as this reminds us of a time of betrayal, of denial, of pain. May the words and rituals tonight be a healing salve. May this time of reflection give us pause from the worries of the world. May this space renew our weary souls and this sacrament revive our spirits, leading us to share the love of God and build God’s Realm around us.
Each time we remember this holy night, we recall the story of the meal. It was on this night of love and betrayal that Jesus took a loaf of bread. After he blessed the bread, he broke the bread, and gave it to his friends. “This is my body,” he said to them. “Remember me each time you break and eat the bread.”
And after supper, Jesus took the cup filled with the fruit of the vine. He spoke to his followers, “This is the cup of the new covenant. As often as you drink from this cup, do this in remembrance of me.”
Holy Spirit, Winds of Healing, encircle these elements tonight. Surround us with your care, mend the wounds from betrayals, and allow this meal to soothe our heavy hearts.
This is the sacramental meal of Christ for all God’s children. No matter where you are on the path of life, each of you are welcome at this table.
Prayer of Gratitude
Holy One, with gratitude, we celebrate this space and time with your children. With thanksgiving, we remember Jesus the Christ, the one who shared light with the world, even when the shadows lengthened. Give us strength to reenter this world sharing love and grace to our neighbors around us. Amen.
As we head into the night, may we commune with God our fears and frustrations. May we reach out to our neighbors as we yearn to settle our souls. May we know the strength of the Holy Spirit as we endure moments of trial and moments of joy. Amen.
The Betrayal: Service Prayers for Maundy Thursday Year B was written by Rev. Michelle Torigian, the senior pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ in Belleville, Illinois. Her liturgies and prayers can be found at