Palm/Passion Sunday B – March 24

March 24, 2024
Palm/Passion Sunday
Say No Lenten Series: “Fear”
Call to Worship
L: People of God, do not be afraid, for your Savior is coming,
A: riding on a donkey, daring to raise the branches of liberation.
L: Shout your hosannas in the street and in the sanctuary.
A: Hosanna in the highest! Our Savior has come to set us free!
L: Palm branches and praise mark this day with hope.
A: Hosanna, come and save us!
Humble God, you have shown us the way to enter all the Jerusalems of this world. You showed us not to enter our lives with fear, but with humility and courage. As we worship this day, we draw upon your example of Jesus on that humble donkey and we raise our palm branches in rejoicing! We raise our voices, shouting along with your people of every age, “Hosanna in the highest!” Come and save us this day, O Jesus of Jerusalem. Amen.
Prayer of Transformation and New Life
God of our hosannas, it would be all too easy to embrace a vision of you as entering Jerusalem with all the pomp and circumstance and violence that power provides. And yet, that is not your way and we confess that we often whisper with the ways of fear rather than shout of your liberation for all people. Help us to lay our lives at your feet and welcome you with shouts of joy. Amen.
Words of Grace
Dear ones, embrace this word with courage. Leave your fear behind, for it does not have the last word and does not have to be the donkey you ride in on. God offers you the way of hope, humility, and hosannas. Rest in the assurance that you are forgiven and embraced in God’s tender arms of love. Amen.
Invitation to Generosity
The laying down of palm branches in the street is an expression of the hope of God among a desperate people. Today we are invited to lay down our treasure as an outpouring of our gratitude for God’s act of salvation in Jesus Christ. Let us give with shouts of hosanna on our lips.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
God of the great shouts of hope, just as you received the voices of the crowd upon your entry into Jerusalem, receive these gifts as an expression of our joy and gratitude. Take our voices and our offerings and use them to proclaim your salvation to all people. Amen and Amen.
People of God, raise your branches high. Sing with shouts of joy. For Jesus has not only entered the city of Jerusalem, but into the hearts of those who are willing to walk in his ways. Go forth not in fear, but in the courage and hope of God our Creator, Jesus our Brother, and the Holy Spirit our Liberator. Amen.
Fear: Service Prayers for Palm/Passion Sunday Year B was written by The Rev. Dr. Chad Abbott, Conference Minister in the Indiana-Kentucky Conference.