Pentecost 3C – June 26

The Third Sunday after Pentecost | Proper 8
June 26, 2022
“Freedom and Fruit”
Call to Worship
One: The way of our God is holy.
Many: Holy One, we seek your presence in our midst.
One: The way of our God is wondrous.
Many: Wondrous God, we marvel at your works and marvelous deeds.
One: The way of our God is awesome.
Many: Awesome God, we call out to you in hope.
Liberating One, we keep you before us. Our souls rejoice and our hearts are gladdened. Our very beings find safety and security in your presence. We approach you with thanksgiving and anticipation. Enliven us to be your people in the world. Embolden us to live in freedom. Empower us to be your good news. Stand up in us and show us the path of life. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Restoring God, too often we accept the conditions of the world around us and impose limitations on what is possible. We bind ourselves to societal conventions, norms, and pressure rather than follow you and your way. We conform to the values of this world rather than pursue the fruit of the Spirit. Show us the path of life and freedom in you. Teach us to plant seeds of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. May we perennially bear that fruit.
Words of Grace
The Guiding Spirit opens us to new life and leads us to right paths. Hear the voice that continually calls, leads, and companions with us. Life in the Spirit is constantly renewed and restored. Let the grace of God nurture our roots and allow our flourishing.
Invitation to Generosity
Jesus invites us to follow him in all ways, including the use and sharing of our resources. An accounting of our time, talent, and treasure that reflects our active citizenship in the kindom brings glory to the Holy One. These seeds bear fruit.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Giver of Gifts, receive the resources we bring. May they bless our community and our world. May bonds of scarcity be broken as we meet the needs around us with the gifts that you have first given to us. May we be gladded by giving and rejoice in generosity. Amen.
As you go in the world, stand firm in the freedom of Christ. Be guided and live by the Spirit. Glorify God and bear fruit. Amen.
Freedom and Fruit: Service Prayers for the Third Sunday after Pentecost were written by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.
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