Pentecost 4C — July 3

The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost | Proper 9
July 3, 2022
“May Peace Be”
Call to Worship
One: May a joyful sound to the Holy One. Let the earth rejoice.
Many: How awesome are your works, O Sovereign!
One: Creation groans under the pressure of war, environmental abuse, and communal disconnection.
Many: We cry out to you, Present God, and you hear and respond.
One: You turn our mourning into movement and stir our souls to action and to rest.
Many: Everlasting God, we will give thanks and praise you for you clothe us in joy and peace.
God with us, you send us into the world as your agents of restoration and change. You speak to us in the stillness of our rest and the chaos of a frenzied world. You guide us in troubling times, and you move us to dance in celebration. We give thanks for your presence among us. Open all points of receptivity within us as we worship you, Holy and Living God. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Spirit of the Living God, temptation surrounds us. Self-preservation lures us to indifference. Fear of confrontation coaxes us to keep silent about things that matter. The desire to be right entices us to ignore the cries of our neighbors. Too often we ignore the call to go and to be in favor of staying stuck in our attitudes and behaviors. Too often, we are the ones who refuse to welcome you into our intimate space, who resist the work of transformation, and who remain unresponsive to the burdens of our siblings in creation. Spirit of Gentleness, redirect us back to the path of life, the way of justice, and the hope of peace. Amen.
Words of Grace
Our Companion and Advocate takes this journey with us. Our invitation to make the kindom of God our dwelling place continually renews. The Righteous One opens the door and eases our entry into new life, new mercy, and new grace.
Invitation to Generosity
The generous life responds to the call to mutuality and burden sharing. The generous life recognizes the abundance of creation and trusts the generosity of the Giver of every good and perfect gift. The generous life follows the steps of Jesus in meeting needs, spreading hope, and sharing love.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Creator, bless these gifts that we bring to this community and the world. May our time be used preciously, our treasure shared faithfully, and our talents demonstrated gloriously in your name. Amen.
Go on your way into the harvest as laborers bringing good news into a world of need. Go on your way as companions of one another, of the Spirit, and of Christ. Go on your way in the assurance that the God of peace goes with you, before you, and behind you. Go in peace. Amen.
May Peace Be: Service Prayers for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost were written by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.
Copyright 2022 Faith INFO Ministry Team, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved.