Pentecost 5C – July 10

The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost | Proper 10
July 10, 2022
“A Plumb Line”
Call to Worship
One: God of salvation, we lift our souls to you.
Many: The paths of the Holy One are steadfast love and faithfulness.
One: In trust, we wait on you to speak, to reveal, to send.
Many: The paths of the Holy One are steadfast love and faithfulness.
One: Lead us in your truth with mercy and righteousness.
Many: The paths of the Holy One are steadfast love and faithfulness.
Divine Builder, you set our standards and foundation. Make your presence known to us as we gather before you. Let this community reflect your body and your vision. Fortify us with all truth and strengthen us with your abundant love. Enliven our senses and stir our being as we worship you as the people you have crafted to build alongside you. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Everlasting God, you build up and tear down. We confess that we have erected idols that need to be demolished in our time. We embrace complacency and comfort over following your vision of beloved community and liberation. We measure ourselves not against your precepts but by the standards of this world. We close our ears to voices we do not want to hear and our eyes to sights too painful to see. Tear down the fear of discomfort within us and rebuild us with the pillars of holy love, compassionate care, and Spirit-led action. In your mercy, make us new. Amen.
Words of Grace
The Righteous One remains near to you and delights in prospering the fruit of your bodies, your soul, and your acts. The way of God is not too hard for you, nor is it too far away.
Invitation to Generosity
The plumb line is a device used to ensure alignment in construction. Generosity aligns the use of resources in excess. We bring our gifts out of the abundance we have received to benefit our neighbor and bless the world.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Architect of our faith, use these humble offerings to construct your plan of peace, hope, and love for life abundantly. Amen.
Be filled with all spiritual wisdom and understanding. Bear fruit in every good work as you grow in the knowledge of God. Be strong in God’s and give thanks to the One who has given you a share in the kindom, the power, and the glory. Amen.
A Plumb Line: Service Prayers for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost were written by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.
Copyright 2022 Faith INFO Ministry Team, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved.