Pentecost B – May 19

Sunday, May 19, 2024
Day of Pentecost
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 | In the World
Call to Worship
One: God has done great things for us!
Many: We declare God’s mighty works with all we have!
One: In a world where there is deceit and unkindness,
Many: We declare God’s mighty works with all we have!
One: We praise the One who has kept us safe and provided for us.
Many: We worship the One who has blessed us with holy wisdom!
One: Let us worship God together!
Many: Come, Holy Spirit!
Jesus, our sibling and friend, we thank you for your example, which guides us as we share the good news of God’s love with a hurting world. Thank you for protecting us, teaching us, and equipping us to partner with you to work for love and justice. Help us share the joy we’ve found in our relationship with you. Empower us with the Holy Spirit, that we might testify to God’s goodness. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Gracious God, Jesus prayed that his disciples would be protected from deceit. Sometimes, it’s not easy to be bold in sharing how God’s love has impacted our lives. We ask forgiveness for the times we have not been strong enough in sharing our truth, for fear of how others would respond. Help us find strength in Your promises to us. Help us share our joy with abundance. Amen.
Words of Grace
One: Friends, take comfort. None of Jesus’ disciples found this work to be easy, and sometimes they faltered. We aren’t expected to be perfect either. We are sanctified in God’s truth. Christ prays for us and guides our words and actions. We always have opportunities to grow in our discipleship, as long as we trust in Christ to lead us.
All: By the grace of God, we are forgiven. Amen.
Invitation to Generosity
Just as everything given to Jesus comes from God, everything given to us comes from Jesus, the foremost human example for our faith. May we respond to that gift with joy, mindful of the ways God works in this church, intros community, and in this world.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Loving God, we remember that one of Christ’s most important commandments is loving one another. With these gifts, help us show this love in our words and actions, caring for the vulnerable and offering hope in times of despair. Amen.
Christ sends you out to proclaim God’s good news! God has done great work in you. Now go and let God work through you! Amen!
In the World: Service Prayers for the Day of Pentecost Year B was written by Rev. Jacob Nault, Pastor of Union-Congregational Church in Waupun, WI. He also works alongside the UCC’s Disabilities Ministries Board to provide music, liturgy, and other resources on issues of disability justice.