Pentecost Sunday C – June 5

Ask God
June 5, 2022
Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Romans 8:14-17 John 14:8-17, (25-27)
Call to Worship
One: Divine Teacher, whirl around us with your wisdom,
Many: Divine Comforter, encircle us with the peace that comes only from you.
One: As the Holy Winds fill our lives with dreams, empower us to live God’s hope in this world.
Many: As the Holy Fire fills our hearts with visions, empower us to create a world of justice and peace.
One: May the Divine Gales of this day move us to know the love of God.
Holy Winds of Mystery,
As the dawn breaks forth, your Spirit exhales your intentions for our world. As new chapters and eras arise in our lives, your Spirit invites us to wisdom that only comes from you. Open our souls to the wonders of your being. Settle our hearts when questions surround us. Fill our minds with the knowledge that your Spirit will lead us forward. Amen.
Prayer of Reflection and Growth
Loving God, Divine Comforter,
Peace is absent from our hearts. From pain to grief, and from turmoil to frustrations, we yearn for what we lack. We ache for the pains and injustices of this world to cease. What we forget is to pause and voice our concerns to you. How can we better integrate your presence in our lives? When have we forgotten to include you in our joys and heartaches? Move us to seek you and speak the burdens of our hearts to you. May your Spirit refill our souls with peace. Amen.
Assurance of Grace
The Spirit of God delivers grace and peace as we move through our journeys and inspires us to connect with God and neighbor to create a world of hope and joy. Amen!
Reflection on Giving
Because of our love for the Divine Giver, we seek ways to share our love through our treasures, talents, and time. Whether we give in this hour or throughout this week, may we remember that God’s Spirit encircles these gifts with hope.
Blessing of the Gifts
Holy Winds of Excitement,
May the gifts we share today and throughout this week nudge us to dream your dreams. May our giving inspire us to embrace your visions for our world. Holy Spirit, enliven our souls to create your realm of justice and peace on earth. Amen.
In each gust of wind, may we reach out to the God of inspiration.
In each flicker of flame, may we follow the Christ of light.
For the Spirit of God surrounds us, filling our hearts with dreams, our minds with visions, and our souls with the energy to create the realm of God on earth. Amen.
Ask God: Service Prayers for Pentecost Sunday C was written by the Rev. Michelle L. Torigian, Senior Pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Belleville, Illinois.