Psalm 51 – Ash Wednesday C

Living Psalms Book
Psalms in the form of words and art, reborn in the specific contexts of our world, privileging the voices of historically marginalized communities and those acting in solidarity with them.
Living Psalm 51: for Ash Wednesday C
A Re-imagination of Psalm 51
1 I’ve messed up again.
Not that I want to keep getting things wrong and violating the core of my beliefs.
I truly regret violating others and the pain that I have caused.
Dios (God), I have this affliction called “Being Human.”
Ten misericordia de mi (Have mercy on me), Dios,
I know that I don’t deserve your faithful love!
Yet, I am so grateful that you are Dios and my critics are not.
“Dios de Justica, ten misericordia de nosotros.” (“God of Justice, Have mercy on us.”)
2 I’m being real, God.
I’m not going to come up with reasons to rationalize the damage I’ve caused.
I’ve screwed up and I will do it again.
I only pray that you know the sincerity of my soul and my deep regret.
I get it if you don’t want to forgive me; I often don’t forgive myself
and then have an awful burden to carry around.
Compassionate Yahweh, people like me need misericordia.
HEAR me, SEE me, I plea.
Wash me completely of my self-loathing and to cleanse me of mis violaciones (my violations).
“Dios de Justica, ten misericordia de nosotros.”
3 Liberate me from myself and my poor decisions.
I have missed the mark! I need redeeming grace.
My life is not always pretty. Indeed, it is a mess at times.
Don Quixote stands with a mirror in front of me
forcing me to recognize how I violate others
and the wrong pathways I’ve traveled,
saying, “Look at your life. Look at your mistakes. Own them.”
I own my flaws, violaciones and weaknesses. I am human, after all.
“Dios de Justica, ten misericordia de nosotros.”
4 I have wronged others.
“Hhatah” (miss the mark) demands that I do the work of introspection.
I have violated many by not recognizing or affirming their dignity.
I’ve failed to acknowledge that these siblings are YOU;
worthy of dignity and having their names uplifted and celebrated.
YOU come in all genders and gender expressions, in all colors and cultures,
and, in you, I celebrate diverse ways of being and engaging others.
YOU speak a plethora of languages and eat foods from across the globe
and it is all good.
I’ve been complicit in much that dishonors you and my global siblings.
You have the right to chastise me for what I’ve done and failed to do.
“Dios de Justica, ten misericordia de nosotros.”
5 I’ve inherited guilt. I carry tons of it with me.
I don’t want it or need it but it was gifted to me at birth.
How can I shed shame, blame and guilt that do not serve me well? 6
You seek truth, I am a train wreck.
Yet, as I own my stuff, I experience your embrace.
You love me.
Your wisdom comes through as you wrap me in love and journey with me.
7 Purifícame (Purify me),
use hyssop to sprinkle the healing, wholeness and transformative grace that I need.
Lavame (wash me) and it is over.
I am healed, transformed and full of grace.
“Dios de Justica, ten misericordia de nosotros.”
8 Let joy and celebration flow within and through me once again.
I have been crushed, yet, within my bones I experience rejoicing.
It will be normative once again. I am thrilled.
9 Thank you, gracias, merci, grazie, Danke dir,
for not focusing on my human frailty and all that I get wrong.
Help me to move away from shame, blame and guilt
to acceptance of your warm embrace of all of me.
10 Dios, create a clean corazón (heart) within me.
Ayudame (Help me), fill me with your Spirit.
Plant seeds of faithfulness within me and let them grow roots in my heart
that are manifested in relationships of mutuality with all those I engage.
“Dios de Justica, ten misericordia de nosotros.”
11 The voices loudly demand that you throw away the key
and deny me grace, mercy and compassion.
They shout that I have “no right” to experience YOU
or be in YOUR Santa Presencia (Holy Presence).
I beg that you ignore them and accept my plea for a loving compassionate response.
I know I’ve really messed up and am unworthy.
But YOU, HOLY ONE, embrace those who are not travelling the road that others travel.
You wrap around the flawed; you call us humans. We are your children.
“Dios de Justica, ten misericordia de nosotros.”
12 Help me experience the Holy Ghost movement once again
even in the midst of guilt and self-loathing.
I am not perfect but I am honest and in need of revival within my life.
13 I will soak in your compassion and mercy
and will model that love and compassion to others.
They will experience YOUR loving openness to the flawed
and they will know that coming home is a safe and sacred place of encountering YOU again.
“Dios de Justica, ten misericordia de nosotros.”
14 Deliver us from those whose starting place is one of condemnation;
save us from the righteous who think they have exclusive rights to you.
They believe that they can deny our dignity and your compassionate love.
I will sing a Gospel of love and extravagant welcome I received
so others experience YOU as the lover of all lives.
15 In the midst of everything,
I dare to open my mouth and uplift, celebrate,
and proclaim that YOU are the God who welcomes and embraces the flawed.
My life and mouth praise you even when I don’t use words.
16 We do not need sacrifices to wipe away guilt, shame and blame.
17 You simply desire that we come as we are;
flawed human beings who love you and are trying to live faithful lives.
Our brokenness is our sacrifice. Our naming our flaws is our part of the healing.
“Dios de Justica, ten misericordia de nosotros.”
18 Honor the sincerity of our souls; uplift us.
Help us to be the instruments of peace and justice who open doors to community.
19 Owning our stuff,
the sincerity of our souls and engagement with YOU and OUR SIBLINGS
are the hinges of right relations.
Our lives, our truth telling and engagement are the burnt offerings and they are complete.
“Dios de Justica, oye nuestra oración.” (hear our prayer)
Living Psalm 51, for Ash Wednesday, was written by the Rev. Justo González II, Interim Conference Minister, Illinois Conference.
Living Psalms Book is created by UCC Witness & Worship Artists’ Group, a Network of UCC connected artists, activists and ministers bridging the worship and liturgy of the local church with witness and action in the community.
Logo is detail from Living Psalm 80 by Sophia Beardemphl, Redwoods, CA. Recovering from significant bullying, Sophia, age nine, read Psalm 80 and thought of brokenness that needs mending. She drew this broken and mended bowl.
© Copyright 2019 Faith INFO Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved.