Solar Eclipse Meditation

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth …
On Monday, April 8, some of our churches will be able to witness a total solar eclipse. The moon travels along its orbit, passing between the sun and the earth. For three to four minutes the day will become as night. It is a holy moment, affording us a new perspective on God’s creation. Consider using this opportunity to lead your gathered into a time of prayer and praise.
One: Creator God, you bring life to this earth and beyond.
Many: All of creation is infused with your spirit.
One: We praise your creation!
Many: We marvel at the vastness of your realm!
One: We are humbled as we witness the spectacle of your design.
Many: We pause to consider our own unique part in your universe.
One: You created each of us to be an important contribution to your vast cosmos.
Many: And each of our actions participates in the health of your creation.
One: We stand in awe before this display.
Many: We unite in praise of your loving hand, guiding the moon around the earth.
One: As day is seemingly brought to night
Many: we are reminded of your power to transform and heal.
One: As the moon travels before our eyes
Many: we wonder: You, who can move an object a third of the size of the earth, can you move our own fears, our limitations, our wars from night to day?
One: Today, bring us to a deeper understanding of your power.
Many: Today, unite us as one human family, committing to work together toward the peace and wholeness of your creation.
All: May your shalom travel throughout the universe. Amen.
Invite participants to ask God to bring to mind a relationship or circumstance in need of healing. As the moon travels between the earth and the sun, consider bringing this to God in prayer, releasing expectations, allowing the power of the universe to move our own souls to participate in healing.

Solor Eclipse Meditation was written by Rev. Dr. Janet Ross, Pastor of Wakeman Congregational Church.