Transfiguration Sunday C–February 27

The Indescribable Radiance of Love

Service Prayers for the Festival of Transfiguration
February 27, 2022

Exodus 34:29-35 • Psalm 99 • 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 • Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)

One: Something drew us together this morning
All: Something we can’t name but which we experience in worship
One: Some holy mystery we call God
All: Some sacred calling we hear in the life of Jesus
One: Some indescribable hope we feel when we gather in the Spirit
All: May our experience of the Divine transform our doubts and fears
and prepare us to love the world.

One: O God, you are beyond words and description,
your love is beyond knowledge and explanation.
Make our hearts ready to receive you.
Change us, we pray, that our lives may reflect the glory of your transfiguration.
We rejoice in the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

One: Peter, James, and John went up on the side of a mountain with Jesus
and experienced glory.
But then Peter wanted to stay.
“It’s good for us to be here. Let’s get comfortable.”
We are also often tempted to keep the experience of the Divine to ourselves,
to enjoy the company of the saints instead of going back down the mountain
to continue the work of the Kingdom of God.
God knows this temptation of our hearts,
so let us confess and pray for forgiveness.

All: God of glory and light,
forgive us when we are complacent and comfortable
with keeping the riches of your love to ourselves.
Keep calling us down from our mountains of privilege.
Keep expecting more of us as your disciples.
Keep reminding us to listen to your Son,
in whose name we pray. Amen.

One: Whether we hear a voice from the heavens
or a still small voice in our hearts,
listen carefully for the love of God.
Believe and accept God’s love and live in God’s freedom.
All: We believe! Thanks be to God!

One: The needs of our world are too numerous to name.
Shelter, food, clean air and water…
Our gifts touch these needs,
but the biggest gift we can give is to love the world
so much that we give of ourselves.
Nothing will transform need more than sacrificial love.
So as you place money in the offering (plate, basket, etc.) today,
don’t let your giving be done.
Start planning to go deeper. May God now bless our hopes and dreams.

Bless these gifts, we pray.
May they represent just the beginning of our journey
to show forth your glory to the world. Amen.

May God now send us back down the mountain of our worship.
We have been changed.
We can’t be silent anymore.
We have seen the Light of the World.
Go and share the radiance of love!

“The Indescribable Radiance of Love”: Service Prayers for Transfiguration Sunday, was written by the Rev. Dr. David Bahr.

Copyright 2022 Justice and Local Church Ministries, Faith INFO Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved.

Transfiguration C — February 27