Trinity Sunday B – May 26

Sunday, May 26, 2024
Trinity Sunday
John 3:1-17 | “Born of Water and Spirit”
Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 29)
One: Credit the Holy One with glory and power!
Many: Give God the honor due with worshipful reverence!
One: The Voice speaks and we hear. The Voice thunders and creation moves.
Many: The Voice is strong and mighty, secure and majestic.
One: The Living Water refreshes us. The Holy Spirit strengthens us.
Many: Bless the name of our God!
Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh upon us. Renew us by your continued creative acts in the world. Your presence among us is a blessing and a gift. Open us to receive, ponder, and grow as your communicate with your people. In Voice, Body, and Spirit, we worship you and invite your transformative power to be alive among us and at work in us. Here we are, O Triune God, here we are. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
God of mercy and grace, you come to us with loving compassion. You know our shortcomings and our willfulness. Make us new as we seek to become the people you have called us to be. Help us live according to the spirit and in union with you and community with our neighbors. Give us a burden to be instruments and witnesses of your loving kindness in the world. Hold us accountable as your empowered people. Let repentance and hope for new life overcome any sense of shame that may paralyze us in our past mistakes and misdeeds as we turn toward you with wonder and expectation that you will lead us into life abundantly for all. Amen.
Words of Grace
Beloved, you are known by the Holy One and invited to live into the life shaped for you in the divine image. Shame and discouragement are not your portion. Holy Love meets you with grace and gladness with the gift of new life in Christ. Receive it for the glory of God, our Source, Friend, and Counselor.
Invitation to Generosity
The Triune God gives with abundance for the flourishing of community. We do not receive gifts, blessings, favor, and resources for ourselves along. We are created to be communal, compassionate, and generous. Let us bring our gifts forward with gladness and gratitude that we have the honor of participating in God’s liberating and redemptive activity in the world.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Generous God, May we give gifts that are sufficient and abundant as you have provided creation with all that we need to flourish. May the fear of scarcity give way to the joy of sharing. Magnify the resources we bring as well cultivate generosity within us so that all needs are met, and all your people may be well and whole in your name. Amen.
Go forth having heard the call of the Holy One.
Go forth loved by the Creator, Redeemer, and Companion.
Go forth strengthened by the Sender, the Sent, and the Spirit.
Receive the gift of new birth and eternal life.
Testify to these things.
Enter the kin-dom of God.
Born of Water and Spirit: Service Prayers for Trinity Sunday Year B was written by the Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay who serves as Minister for Worship and Theology for the United Church of Christ.