Trinity Sunday C – June 12, 2022

Trinity Sunday Year C
June 12, 2022
“All Truth”
Liturgical Note:
Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost. We acknowledge the Triune God and reflect on the Divine Community of Three in One. I recommend the use of expansive language to reflect the fullness of the Trinity as well as humanity which reflects the divine image. That has been modeled in this liturgy.
Call to Worship
One: Wisdom calls and understanding speaks.
Many: Majestic God, we recognize your voice.
One: Creation declares your glory and humanity marvels at your care.
Many: Merciful God, we rejoice at your works.
One: Peace, endurance, character, and hope are gifts.
Many: Mysterious God, we receive your love in thanksgiving.
God our Potter, God who becomes clay, God who shapes us in the fire, we are made new in your presence. We come seeking your wisdom, crying out our concerns, needing your peace. Use this time to form us as community, connected through your breath, life, and hope that propels us as your body in the world. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, we confess that we do not always heed the wisdom you impact. We turn toward other marks and means of validation rather than toward you. We remain in awe of our own creation while devouring and decimating yours. Continue to call us, we pray, and to surprise and delight us at your magnificence and majesty. May we always be at awe at your glory and humbled by your nearness. Let our character be shaped toward hope and reflect your peace.
Words of Grace
Receive the peace extended to us from the God of Grace who joined our embodied experience and who invites us to shared glory of the resurrected life in which we are made new and whole.
Invitation to Generosity
Giver, Steward, and Guide, may these gifts we bring magnify beyond the boundaries of our community to create new possibilities in the world.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Generous, Abundant, and Precious God, bless our offerings of presence, ability, and resources as we participate as your co-creators.
May the God of Peace assure you. May the God of Life invigorate you. May the God of Wind direct you. Go, in peace and hope, to transform your community and the world to the glory of God.
All Truth: Service Prayers for Trinity Sunday were written by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.
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