Day 4: Thursday, August 23
From Clara Hart, refugee from Mozambique“After many days of walking, our feet were swollen and our bodies were tired but we could not stop. After experiencing such traumas, I faced other challenges while being resettled in the U.S., such as learning the cultural norms, new foods and different ways of speaking. What has made the biggest difference in overcoming these hardships – and in healing from past traumas – has been the welcome I received when I joined my new community.” —Argus Leader in Sioux Falls
Prayer of the Day: Today, create your own prayer for refugee families. Share that prayer on social media using the hashtag #Pray4Refugees
Daily Action: Today we also ask God for the courage and faith to call our Member of Congress and tell them we want to welcome at least 75,000 refugee families in 2019. Here is a very simple script to help guide you through what can sometimes feel like an intimidating conversation. Legislators want to hear from constituents. They can have direct influence on the decision about maximum number of refugees allowed for resettlement in the U.S. for the coming year.
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